Last Week’s Worship Service

What’s happening at Central Christian

Central Christian strives to be out in the community showing God’s love. Below you will find current and upcoming events. These may include outreach opportunities and current Bible studies that we are offering. Feel free to email the church office if you have any questions about any of these events or Bible studies.

Events at Central Christian Church

Photos of past events at Central

  • Praise and Worship on the Lawn 2022

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Worship Service

A typical Worship Service on Sunday mornings at Central lasts a little over an hour. During that time, we sing songs of praises to our Lord.  These songs are a mix of contemporary music as well as traditional hymns. Then one of our pastors will bring you a message that the Lord has given them. We have a time of invitation where anyone can come forward to give praises, ask for prayers or accept Christ as their Savior. At the end of each worship service we partake in the Lords Supper to remind us of His ultimate sacrifice.


You can dress casually or formally, whatever you prefer. We are a come as you are church family.


We have regular parking and handicap parking along Fox Street, as well as some parking down Main Street right in front of the church building. We also have parking available in the courthouse parking lot located behind the church building.


Central loves kids! We have nursery available for newborns through age four. Children can be dropped off in the nursery before services begin. We also have Children’s Church for grades K-8 that will be dismissed before the sermon begins. 

Supporting Missions is an important part of who we are as a family of believers at Central Christian Church. Our vision is to not only reach the town of Jonesborough and the surrounding Tri-Cities area, but to support those going out into the world and spreading the Good News of Jesus as commanded by Mark 16:15. We at Central Christian Church understand the importance of sharing the Good News of Jesus locally and by supporting those taking it to the world.

Click the link below to see some updates from our Missions. 

Missions Update (